Moderator Script for Conducting an Heuristic Evaluation

Hello! ______ My name is Haylee and I will be assisting you as you work through a website evaluation. Today I will be showing you two different websites. Each site is for a different Insurance Company. Today you will be helping to evaluate both sites! It is okay to be a little nervous as we start. Just remember that the sites are being evaluated not you! Before we begin I want to explain how this evaluation will take place. I will show you directly towards each site individually and read out a task for you to perform on the site. We would love your feedback on anything the site has to offer! We value your opinion hence why you were chosen to help with the evaluation process. As you move through the tasks we ask that you talk out loud and describe any issues you may run into. We understand that sites can be incredibly difficult to work with so we will help out as best we can! Before we begin I ask that you move to a quiet room and turn on your camera and microphone. Do you have any questions for me moving forward? If not let’s begin the study.