Usability Problem Heuristic(s) Violated Severity Level
When using a navigation button it directs the user directly to the new site without warning them that they are being redirected.
It does not take them to another page on the same site but a whole new site without warning. This is the only navigation section that does this.
1, 4, 5 2
The navigation is incredibly cluttered and does not group similar pages together in groups and uses technical terms for each page. This is fixed on the mobile version of the app but not the desktop version. 2, 8 2
On the mobile version there is a homepage backup with the same information on it as the home. 8 1
The information on the site is very technical and hard to understand as someone who does not work in the industry. 2 1
The site that is embedded into the navigation was currently being deployed and fixed when I ran my first look through. The error that came up was a generic code error and not a page that redirected back to the site. 5, 3 3
On what the company calls “The Grove” there is an attempt at heuristic number 7 of efficiency. It simply tells the user to add the page to their bookmark bar to save the log in page. 7 1
Information pages have over 6 different sections of information all filled with bullets. 8 2
The navigation bar while easily seen is incredibly hard to use especially if not on a full screen. It does not scroll with the site so a user must scroll to the top to then access the information. The navigation also does not scroll so the user cannot reach some of the buttons. 3, 5, 6 3
The Digital apps page struggles to help define what the page is and what information is actually being presented to the user. The wording is difficult to understand to users who are not in the insurance world. 2, 10 1
The membership page has over 10 sections and paragraphs of information making it difficult for a user to see what the information they are looking for. Also the information is unnecessary. 8, 10 2

Summary Of Heuristic Evaluation

Overall the site functions properly and there were not any major issues. Most of the issues on the site that I found in my evaluation were all cosmetic or slightly severe. There were no issues that needed to be fixed immediately for the site to function correctly. The main heuristics that were violated were Heuristics 2 and 8. Even though these heuristics were the main ones to be violated none of their violations were more than a 2 on severity rating proving that the site can function even with its main violations. There was only two violations in which I thought they were severe enough to be rated a 3 meaning that they should be given high priority to be fixed.